Friday, September 26, 2008


If you have been given a link to this page, then you are being invited to join a Palladium Fantasy/Rifts RPG campaign run be me. On the other hand, if you have randomly stumbled upon this page...well, enjoy! This blog site will host information about the game, including background information, history, lore, game mechanics issues, and anything else that might be helpful for you to have reference to over the course of the campaign. It will also serve as way for everyone to communicate with the group as a whole, should issues or questions arise, whether about real world scheduling, or "in game" problems.

So, if you are interested in joining the game, why not subscribe to this blog? That way you won't miss any important information...

If you are an experienced RPG player and/or know the Palladium/Rifts system well, you can probably gloss over many of the early posts here.

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