Per player request, more info on this race. This is taken directluy from Palladium Books and Kevin Sembieda, so all their right reserved, etc.
Kobolds are the handsomer cousins to goblins and orcs. Like gob- lins, they are a subterranean race of mischievous, troublesome, and mean-spirited creatures. Kobolds are meaner and more dangerous than their goblin kin, because they are smarter, more cunning, organized, and cruel. Not only do they hate and despise the larger, more attractive hu- manoids, but they delight in torturing and killing these creatures just for fun; usually very, very slowly.
Unlike goblins or hob-goblins, kobolds usually stick to their own kind, pursuing an active life of mining, weapons manufacturing (sup- plying the monster races), and building strong, regimented underground towns and cities. Territorial in the extreme, any unfortunate wanderer who unwittingly enters a kobold domain is doomed. The lucky ones are beaten, robbed and left in a heap. The not so lucky ones are beaten, robbed and enslaved. The least fortunate are slain and/or eaten! Kobolds are predators who hunt and eat animals and fellow humanoids; about 40% are also cannibalistic (they eat their own kind). It is common for kobolds to eat the remains of their enemies or to capture a number of the enemy and keep them in pens like livestock until they are needed as food - ogres, orcs and trolls do the same thing. On the other hand, this territorial attitude works to the advantage of other races, because except for kobold scouting and raiding parties, bandits, and adventurers, they seldom travel above the surface or beyond their own realm.
A kobold domain usually consists of several small tribes or bands scattered throughout the area, centering around one or two large subter- ranean complexes (kobold cities). The small tribes often dwell on the surface or in a shallow network of crude tunnels close to the surface. These tribes may contain as few as a dozen members or as many as sev- eral hundred. Such tribes are often composed of thieves, assassins and brigands of all sorts.
The heart of a kobold domain is always built upon rich mineral de- posits, ranging from iron to precious metals and gems. A labyrinth of rough-hewn tunnels lead to the more finished chambers and tunnels that form the typical kobold city tunnel complex. Such cities can be simple or elaborate, large or small, but seldom cover more than a (32 km) square mile radius, although dozens of tunnels may extend for hundreds of miles and connect to a dozen other kobold cities, towns or villages. Unlike the villages which are typically 50-200 feet underground, kobold towns, cities and connecting tunnels are always at least 2000 feet (610 m) below the surface; some as far down as one or two miles (1.6 to 3.2 km).
These complexes are typically sprawling cities comprised of tunnels and chambers with low ceilings; nothing like the grand chambers and cathedrals of the dwarven cities. Ceilings in most kobold cities seldom exceed eight feet (2A m) tall and tunnels rarely have a ceiling higher than five or six feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) and are of equal width. These sprawl- ing cities of tunnels and small chambers are typically maze-like, which makes it difficult for surface dwellers to keep their sense of direction - there are so many similar looking tunnels and identical rooms that one quickly gets disoriented (-20% on all navigation skills). Furthermore, kobold cities and tunnel networks don't usually seem to have been con- structed with any rhyme or reason, and large sections of tunnels or areas of the city are often abandoned for no apparent reason. Consequently, deceptively large cities and towns will often be populated by surpris- ingly few kobolds. Note: A common kobold city will consist of a maze of tunnels and chambers running in a loose checker board pattern with 4D4 levels, covering a 50-100 mile (80-160 km) diameter and is 1-2 miles (1.6 to 6.4 km) deep. Some of the levels will be mines or garbage dumps (often inhabited by subterranean predators and scavengers). The typical population ranges from 600 to 2400. The inhabitants are scat- tered in small pockets throughout the tunnel-city complex, with concen-
trations of hundreds or thousands in certain areas; often near active mining operations. However, the most densely populated cities such as those located in and around the Old Kingdom Mountains will be 6,000 to 36,000 strong. Kobolds prefer to inhabit cool, hilly, rocky or moun- tainous regions.
Kobolds. themselves are nocturnal creatures, seeing clearly in the dark for 400 feet (122 in). Consequently, they shun bright light and are seldom seen above the surface during the day. This means they do their prowling, hunting and raids on the surface at night, adding to their repu- tation for treachery and viciousness. Light so impairs their vision that even after their eyes become adjusted they cannot see clearly beyond 40 feet (12 in). A simple fire from a torch or campfire will not appreciably affect a kobold's vision. However, intense light will blind them (-9 to strike, parry or dodge).
Kobolds are fine craftsmen, artisans, weaponsmiths, and annorers. They make some of the finest jewelry and silverware in the world, and only dwarven arms and armor are superior; the Jotan is roughly equal to kobold quality. Thus, a kobold-crafted weapon or armor is highly val- ued and coveted by men at arms. Since most kobolds hate the prettier races, they are courted by the monster races to be their arms manufac- turers, a position these misanthropes welcome. This gamers the kobolds a high position within most nonhuman societies. Kobold craftsmen are highly regarded by the Wolfen, with approximately 60% of all Wolfen arms and armor manufactured by them. Kobolds are also frequently members of ogre and troll clans, bands and mixed armies of nonhu- mans, as well as selling or trading weapons and armor with any nonhu- mans who approach them in peace, but with hate for humans and their allies. In most cases, the vile and self-serving creatures will sell their wares to anybody who can afford them, and are infamous for selling arms to both sides of a conflict. Kobolds dislike their stupid and annoy- ing goblin cousins, so they typically sell them inferior human quality weapons and armor at only moderately lower prices - they have noth- ing to worry about because unless goblins and orcs are allied to smarter creatures, most can't tell the difference. Even many human communi- ties will tolerate the presence of law abiding kobolds working as smiths, armorers, jewelers, artisans and metal workers.
A Kobold player character is likely to be a mercenary, thief, assas- sin or young adventurer out to find his place in the world. Selfish and evil characters are likely to view humans and most good characters as chumps and suckers to be used. Actually, to have any other attitude and associate with humans and their allies is to be branded a traitor to his race - and traitors are often hunted, captured, tortured and killed. However, kobolds respect strength and courage, so even a selfish or evil character may find himself respecting or even befriending a human or elf with these qualities if he's not careful.
A kobold of a good alignment, or who openly befriends (and stays loyal to) a human, elf or gnome, is a renegade and a traitor to his peo- ple. These characters will be despised by his fellow kobolds, so he should watch his back for assassins and outraged kobold loyalists. The character's problems are compounded further by the fact that most hu- mans and their allies will view a kobold with the utmost suspicion, ra- cial prejudice and possibly, hatred.
Alignment: Typically anarchist or evil, but most player characters are likely to be unprincipled, anarchist, aberrant or even good.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to be rolled is as designated. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+3, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. I D6+6, Spd 3D6 running - I D6 digging.
Hit Points: P.E. +I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 5 plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills. Average P.P.E.: 4136
O.C.C.s Available to Kobolds: Any except long bowman, knight, or palladin.
O.C.C. Skill Notes: Not applicable. Horror Factor: Not applicable.
Physical Appearance: Short, thin but muscular creatures with a pale waxen complexion, no facial hair, black, silver or white hair, high hairline (hairline typically starts on the top of the head), large ears that come to a rounded point, thick leathery skin, yellow and/or red eyes, and small pointed teeth.
Size: 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m)
Weight: 70 to 120 pounds (31.5 to 54 kg).
Average Life Span: 160+ years; some have lived up to 250.
Natural Abilities: In addition to the character's high physical attrib- utes, kobolds also have nightvision 400 ft (122 m), day vision 40 feet (12 m), plus an aptitude for digging and living in tunnels.
Underground Tunneling (Special): Exactly the same as dwarves. Underground Architecture: Same as dwarves.
Underground Sense of Direction: Same as dwarves. Metalworking (Special): All kobolds have a basic understanding
of working with metal, particularly in the area of making weapons and jewelry. Equal to the field armorer skill with a +10% bonus, plus +10 on recognize weapon quality, art (limited to jewelry) and gemology skills.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +2 to save vs horror factor. Magic: By O.C.C. only. Psionics: Standard.
Enemies: Humans, elves, gnomes, and changelings. Kobolds find gob- lins and orcs to be pathetic, ignorant barbarians worthy of contempt. They enjoy using, abusing, and tormenting them. Kobolds sometime invade troglodyte communities at locations where valuable mineral resources are discovered.
Allies: Trolls, ogres, giants and Wolfen. They consider dwarves to be foolish for their allegiance to humans, but respect them as warriors and for their superior skills as armorers, stone workers and builders, as well as for the Elf-Dwarf war; the average kobold absolutely loathes elves.
Habitat: Kobolds can be found throughout the world but are most com- mon in the Old Kingdom, Eastern Territory, and Great Northern Wilderness. The largest known subterranean communities are found in the Old Kingdom, Old Kingdom Mountains and the Algor moun- tains.
Favorite Weapons: Can use any, but favorites include axes, picks, hammers, knives, and swords. They adore magic weapons.
Other Notes:
1. Worship demons and evil gods; occasionally powerful dragons. 2. Sometimes sell their services as mercenaries to nonhumans. 3. Prefer studded, chain, scale, and plate armor.
4. Particularly fond of gold, silver, and precious stones; the treasure vaults of a prosperous kobold merchant, nobleman or king is a sight to behold.
5. Tend to be selfish, cruel, vindictive and arrogant.
6. Kobolds are predators who hunt and feed on animals and fellow hu- manoids; gnomes, humans and elves are among their favorites. About 40% are also cannibalistic.
Hit Points: P.E. +I D6 per level of experience.
Average P.P.E.: 4136
O.C.C.s Available to Kobolds: Any except long bom palladin.
O.C.C. Skill Notes: Not applicable. Horror Factor: Not applicable.
Physical Appearance: Short, thin but muscular creat waxen complexion, no facial hair, black, silver or
eyes, and small pointed teeth. Size: 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m)
Weight: 70 to 120 pounds (31.5 to 54 kg).
Average Life Span: 160+ years; some have lived up to 250. Natural Abilities: In addition to the character's high phy!
Underground Architecture: Same as dwarves. Underground Sense of Direction: Same as dwarves. Metalworking (Special): All kobolds have a basic under.
of working with metal, particularly in the area of making i and jewelry. Equal to the field armorer skill with a +10OX plus +10 on recognize weapon quality, art (limited to jewe gemology skills.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +2 to save vs horror factor. Magic: By O.C.C. only. Psionics: Standard.
Enemies: Humans, elves, gnomes, and changelings. Kobolds f
invade troglodyte communities at location resources are discovered.
Allies: Trolls, ogres, giants and Wolfen. The: foolish for their allegiance to humans, but
as well as for the Elf-Dwarf war; the average loathes elves.
mon in the Old Kingdom, Eastern Territory, Wilderness. The largest known subterranean c(
Favorite Weapons: Can use any, but favorites include axes, I hammers, knives, and swords. They adore magic weapons.
Other Notes:
1. Worship demons and evil gods; occasionally powerful dragons. 2. Sometimes sell their services as mercenaries to nonhumans. 3. Prefer studded, chain, scale, and plate armor.
4. Particularly fond of gold, silver, and precious stones; the treasure store of a prosperous kobold is a sight to behold.
5. Tend to be selfish, cruel, vindictive and arrogant.
They are predators who hunt and feed and animals and humanoids; gnomes, humans and elves are among their About 40% are also cannibalistic.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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