Saturday, September 25, 2010


Alright, here is what has happened recently:

You returned to the Infinity and Pi from the research planet/facility run by Sylveste
Ah'eishabutan does a fly by in Dilemma, damaging Pi. He is then on a 24 hour loop to meet back up with you.
You use Theoninn to bust on board the Pi and take down Orlos, whereby you acquire Vaka-Svefn.
Node nearly gets killed by a bunch of soldiers on board while he is holding Vaka.
You all return and get medical attention.
You use Vaka to take out Ah'eishabutan.
You interrogate the captured C10 soldiers and discover that Gavorran is among them
Gavorran reveals that Svarturinn is actual a C10 operative.
You follow Raven's (Gavorran's?) lead to Crionysus where...
You get involved in a cult serial murder case (because of a possessed computer ticket terminal in the “subway”), the clues to which reveal a hidden message.
“The angel of darkness, that steals all living light, may be found on the lifeless moon, Tatsos.”
You don't know (or do you?) who was responsible for these murders.

You are all owed some backlog XP, which I will allow to be transferred to your favorite character. Try 2150 for size.

You believe (some of you) that you are already in possession of Atai and Abassi. What do you really have? What are the amulets?

The time to return to Palladium is nigh...but not before you have everything!

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