Saturday, November 15, 2008



Finely crafted cyborgs meant to replace humans in various service and diplomatic situations, they can easily pass as humans when clothed. They are cyborgs designed for human, machine, intelligence interface protocol. Why they were given human brains is a mystery only deepened by the fact that no sekai has any memory of having been human. Oddly, all sekai seem to believe in a god of sorts that they call The One, or The Persistence, or The Truth. What makes this strange is that the Skedic as a people do not believe in gods as such, so why their helpers would is interesting.

Sekai are very strong and agile, although they do not possess the super-speed of some well known droids like Bishop. They make good fighting characters, preferring hand-to-hand combat and lighter swords or paired weapons. They rarely wear armor, and when they do, only very light armor. Although they sometimes were trained to serve as body guards back in their world of origin, it must be remembered that they were not designed as combat robots, but as protocol droids that could blend in seamlessly with society.

Sekai favor hand-to-hand martial arts, swords, staffs, and paired weapons. They are always humble, yet never allow themselves to be swayed from their path, particularly if they know they are right. They value truth and fact above all else, although this does not mean they are without feeling or emotion.

Sekai have a wopping 500 S.D.C. , but Sekai cannot heal themselves, and can only be repaired by another Sekai with the aid a very specific machine which is only available in the Skedic cities. Natural forms of fire only do 1/4 damage, and natural sources of electricity have zero effect on them 70% of the time ( the rest of the time they are stunned for 1d4 rounds, but take no damage unless a second attack is made while they are stunned). Magic fire does full damage as does magic electricity. Most acid does double damage. Sekai do not need to breathe as mammals do, but they do need a source of oxygen in order to "metabolize" energy in their power cells. A Sekai can hang out indefinitely in water (that has free oxygen in it i.e. not distilled), but could not operate at full power for very long in a vacuum.

HP = PE + 2 pts per lvl.
SDC = 500
PPE = 3d6

OCC available: merc, soldier, spy, warrior monk, skedic/riga, thief*

Physical Appearance: The head and hands are covered in very life-like synthetic materials, but they are fragile like flesh, and do not heal on their own. The rest of the body is for the most part shaped like a lean, muscular human, although it is composed of matte aluminum metal, black carbon-nanofiber-muscle and chrome-plated joint guards.

Size: 5'1” - 5'10”
Weight: 300 – 700 lbs

Natural abilities:
-choose any hand to hand skill
-Speaks, reads, writes all languages
-Resist fire 75%
-Resist Electricity 70%*
-Acid does double damage.
-They have an active form of infrared vision that works like Nightvision 40ft except that any other creature with Nightvision sees something like two flashlight beams shooting from the sekai's eyes.
-The hearing of a sekai is tuned in such a way that they can for a short time (45 seconds/ 3 melee rounds) use it as a sort of sonar that allows them to “see” a 10ft radius 360 degrees around them. This is NOT automatic and a sekai must actually concentrate to use this. These guys could actually fight off a group of attackers blind-folded.
-Their daylight vision is acute: they can read newspaper print clearly from 50ft.
-They can record and play back 30 seconds of any sound they can hear.
-They cannot swim at all...they are too dense.
-They have zero sense of smell.

Psionics: normal roll

Enemies: Their unique religion views the world in such a way that they do not have any enemies until they have “found” them. Apparently, The Truth informs them as to who the bad guys are.

Allies: Skedic. They are open and do not prejudge any other native race as good or evil. Only individuals can be allies or enemies.

Habitat: Aja, Eta, Amma only.

Bonuses: +1 parry/strike, +1 roll w/ impact: if using sonar, +3 parry, +4 dodge +2 strike.

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